The second transnational project meeting was organized in Heraklion 26-27.10.2021. During this meeting the representatives of the Consortium discussed the finalization of the environmental syllabus for VET providers (first project result) and planned activities concerning the environmental application for startups (second project result). Among others, the Partners agreed about the final structure of the syllabus, topics covered to avoid overlapping and adjustments to the type of T&L methods, assessment and EQF level. While in terms of the digital implementation, it was agreed that the syllabus will be available as a flipbook (apart from PDF format) and that the mobile app will be divided into three sections: self-assessment questions (quiz questions), situational questions (scenarios) and a strategy maker panel (recommendations and notes). The next transnational face-to-face partnership meeting is planned for May 2022. However, partners will continue to also have online monitoring meetings.